Support and Updates Print

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Support and Updates are a feature within our Licenses that allow you to upgrade to the newest version of your licensed software. Generally, you will always be able to receive Technical Support, however, if you do not have an active Support & Updates package, you will NOT be able to upgrade to the newest version of your software.

What License types include Support and Updates?

  • Trial Licenses
  • Monthly Licenses
  • Development Licenses

What License types require a paid Support & Updates Addon?

  • Owned Licenses. The first year of support and updates are included free of charge. The price to renew updates is Twenty-five ($25) dollars a year thereafter.
    • Note: If you have a Development License for the same software, you cannot use the download to update your regular license. If you are found in violation, your license will be terminated.

Can I continue to use the software once my Support and Updates subscription expires?

Absolutely! Owned Licenses will never expire, even if the support and updates agreement has lapsed. You can still keep your license and even continue to run and use our software at the current version you are licensed for. 

Access to downloads from our website, and software updates from our Update server will be restricted. Once you pay for the Updates package, your download access will be reinstated.

How do I access new software versions once lapsed?

Access new software updates is a quick three-step process:

  1. Purchase a new License if your License is expired for any reason, or you can simply renew your support and updates package by contacting our License Team.
  2. Login to your License Software Administration Portal
  3. Click License Information and ensure your license data has been refreshed once you pay your support and updates package invoice. If you got a new license key, you will need to click Change License Key and insert your newly issued License Key. If your License was expired, you will see a License Page on your attempt to view the administration panel, or public-facing website (depending on the designed software*).

* Much of our software is designed to do a License Check upon logging into the administrative portal. This is in the case of AnchoredCMS, where the public-facing website will always be accessible -- even if your license is suspended. The only instance where a public-facing website will not show is that if you had a Trial License and the trial expired. Your public-facing website would show a License Expired page.

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