How do I move my License to a new Location? Print

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If you move your software installation to a new domain, IP, or directory, your license will need to be updated.

By purchasing your software license from us, you can reissue your license from our client area at

  1. Login and navigate to Services > My Licenses.
  2. Select the License Key you wish to change.
  3. Click the Green Reissue License button on the right-hand side of the License Details.

The next time you visit your Software Installation (in most cases the administration area of the software), the new location of the software will be saved as the valid location of that license.

Please note, if you have a Development License, you will not be able to reissue that License. You will have to write a support ticket to the Licensing Team so that we can ensure your new location will meet the requirements of the Development License. 

If you have an Owned License, even if you choose to not pay for the additional updates package, you will still be able to reissue your License at any time. The owned license never expires unless you choose to cancel your license for any reason.

Additional Information

To prevent license re-issue abuse, we limit each client to re-issue their license via the client portal 10 times per software. Should you have to re-issue your license beyond the 10 allotted times, you may simply contact our License Team for help. We will look over your license re-issues, and if we detect potential abuse, we'll have to verify the reason for your need to re-issue your license again. Manual License re-issues by staff will incur a $10 fee. Upon payment of the fee, your license will be re-issued.

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